How can my partner contribute to my super? Or how can I contribute to my partner’s super?

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There are several benefits for sharing your super with your partner. And there are two ways that spouses can contribute to each other’s superannuation:

1. Contribution splitting is where your spouse applies to their super fund with a request to transfer across a certain amount of their super into your superannuation account to boost your balance. The process for this includes your spouse contacting their super fund to request a transfer form. Some funds use the ATO Spousal Contribution Splitting Form.

If you’d like to split super from your Verve Super account into your partner’s super account, you’ll need to complete the Contribution Splitting Form and return the completed form to us via email to

If you want to apply to split personal contributions that you intend to claim a tax deduction for, please download and complete the ATO’s Notice of Intent to Claim or Vary a Deduction for Personal Super Contributions form and return the completed form to us via email to You’ll need to do this before you lodge the Contributions Splitting Form. Please refer to the ATO checklist, which details the process and how you go about claiming a tax deduction if you intend to do so.

2. Spousal contribution is when your spouse makes a payment directly to your Verve Super account  — such as a bank transfer. You and your spouse will need to complete the Spouse Contribution Form and return the completed form to us via email to

This article has more information: Super isn’t fair for stay at home parents. Here is how to even it up. If you have further questions, the ATO’s website has explanations on spouse contributions and superannuation splitting.