I’m self-employed. How do I make contributions to my super?

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To contribute to your super as a self-employed person, simply complete the Personal Contributions form available in your online account and make the payment via direct transfer. 

To claim these contributions for tax purposes, you need to download and complete the ATO’s  Notice of Intent to Claim or Vary a Deduction for Personal Super Contributions form and return the completed form to us via email to hello@vervesuper.com.au

You’ll need to do this at least once per financial year for all the contributions during that financial year. You have one year from the end of the relevant financial year within which to submit your Notice of Intent to Claim. This form must be returned to Verve Super in either the financial year in which the contributions were received into your Verve Super account, or the following financial year, and prior to the date you lodge your tax return for the financial year in which the contributions you wish to claim were received into your Verve Super account. Please refer to the declarations on the Notice of Intent to Claim form and ensure you leave plenty of time for us to process the form before lodging your tax return. Claiming a tax deduction for your contribution makes this contribution ineligible to be counted towards the Government Co-contribution.