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Intro to super

We may be biased, but there’s power in harnessing your super to build the kind of future you want. In this topic, we’ll cover the basics of sorting your super, to the small tweaks you can make to help supercharge your super. Plus, we’ll answer the age-old question: how much super do you really need to retire?

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4 videos


3 worksheets

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Section 1: Super 101

In this topic, we’ll cover the basics of how super works and why it can pay to get involved early – like now. Often, there’s a whole lot we don’t get told about super until it’s too late, so this lesson is here to debunk the outdated ideas of superannuation. 

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Section 2: Future-proof your super

Here in Australia, women retire with an average 30% less super than men. We tackle that super gap in this lesson – giving you the knowledge to effectively advocate for your future. We’ll also cover the importance of super as a smart investment. 

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Section 3: Supercharge your super

You’ll find more practical steps in this lesson as we uncover the steps you can take to supercharge your super. We’ll talk about the powers of compound interest (hooray!) and give you the tools to calculate how much super you’ll need to retire. 

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