Thank you for supporting Verve members
You’ll find all the information you need right here.
Standard choice form (pre-filled)
Employers may ask you to complete this form when you begin your employment or when you change your super fund.
General compliance certificate
Your employer may require you to provide a letter from us stating we are a compliant fund and we can accept employer contributions.
Our preferred payment method for receiving employer contributions is via a clearing house.
The easiest way to manage your employees’ super is by clearing house.
A clearing house is an electronic gateway that allows you to make all your super contributions for all your employees in one single payment. Save time and sign up to a superannuation clearing house.
You might already have access to a clearing house through your accounting software. If not, the ATO’s Small Business Superannuation Clearing House is free for small businesses with 19 or fewer employees, or an annual aggregated turnover of less than $10 million.
By paying through a clearing house you do not need to register as an employer with Verve Super and means less paperwork for you. Using a clearing house also ensures your payments are SuperStream compliant and makes them easier to track.
Our USI is unique to Verve Super, so as long as you use this you will select the right fund.
Search for the following fund details when setting up your employer payments to Verve Super within your clearing house or SuperStream solution:
Fund name: Verve Super (Future Super Fund)
Fund ABN: 45 960 194 277 – you may need to try without spaces: 45960194277
USI: 45 960 194 277 020 – you may need to try without spaces: 45960194277020
SPIN: We do not have a SPIN number. Use our USI instead.
Interests in Verve Super are issued by Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited (ABN 50 055 641 757, AFSL 229757, RSE Licence L0001458) (“the Trustee”) as trustee of the Future Super Fund (ABN 45 960 194 277, RSE Registration No R1072914) (“the Fund”). Verve Super is a division of the Fund.
The Fund is administered by Apex Superannuation (Australia) Pty Ltd (ABN 28 081 966 243, AFSL 238507).
Investment management is undertaken by Future Super Investment Services Pty Ltd (ABN 55 621 040 702; AFS Representative No. 001271441), which is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Future Promoter Holdings Pty Ltd (ABN 90 167 800 580; AFSL 482684).
Insurance cover is provided to eligible members by AIA Australia Limited (ABN 79 004 837 861, AFSL 230043).
The Founder of Verve Super is Verve Superannuation Pty Ltd (ABN 65 628 675 169, AFS Representative No. 001268903), which is a Corporate Authorised Representative of True Oak Investments Ltd (ABN 81 002 558 956, AFSL 238184).