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Documents & Forms

Have questions? Call us on 1300 799 482

Main documents

General Compliance Certificate

Give this certificate to your employer – sometimes they need this to agree to pay your contributions into your Verve Super account.

Product Disclosure Statement

Important info needed to make an informed decision about joining Verve Super.

How Verve Super Works Guide

Important info about Verve Super, plus additional info about super and tax.

Insurance Guide

Important info about the insurance cover available to eligible Verve Super members on an opt-in basis.

Target Market Determination

Identifies the target market for Verve Super.

Financial Services Guide

Important info about who we are and your rights as a client.

Trust Deed 1 - September 2011

The rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can’t do.

Trust Deed 2 - August 2013

The rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can’t do.

Trust Deed 3 - June 2015

The rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can’t do.

Trust Deed 4 - November 2017

The rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can’t do.

Trust Deed 5 - December 2018

The rules we follow as a super fund, and what the trustee can and can’t do.

Forms for individuals

Standard choice form (pre-filled)

Employers may ask you to complete this form when you begin your employment or when you change your super fund.

Non-lapsing binding nomination of beneficiaries form

Use this form to nominate a person to receive some or all of your superannuation death benefit if die. For more information on the types of beneficiary nominations read: What happens to your super when you pass away?

Non-binding nomination of beneficiaries form

Use this form to make a non-binding, lapsing nomination in respect of who should receive some or all of your superannuation death benefit if you die. For more information on the types of beneficiary nominations read: What happens to your super when you pass away?

Change of details form

Use this form to update your personal details.

Insurance application form

Use this form to apply for, or vary, Death Only, Death & TPD, and/or Income Protection insurance cover.

Insurance transfer form

Use this form if you qualify for a lump sum withdrawal from your Verve Super account or to transfer some or all of your Verve Super account to another super fund.

Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for personal super contributions

You should complete this form if you intend to claim a tax deduction for your personal super contributions, or you want to vary a previous valid notice of intent already lodged. Instructions for completion can be found on the form, as well as the ATO website. This form can be returned to Verve via email to hello@vervesuper.com.au or posted to GPO Box 2753, Brisbane QLD 4001.

Providing certified ID factsheet

Use this Fact Sheet to understand the types of documents that we can accept as proof of your identity and what you need to do to ensure that they are certified correctly.

Third Party Authority form

Use this form to allow a third party (other than a financial advisor) to request information about your Verve Super account on your behalf.

Contributions & Rollover forms

Personal contributions

If you want to make a personal contribution into your Verve Super account, we encourage you to do this online via the member portal.

If you’re making a self-employed concessional contribution (before tax), you’ll need to fill out the ‘Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction for personal super contributions form’ and send it to us at hello@vervesuper.com.au.

If you’re experiencing issues with the member portal, or you have any questions about the contribution process, give us a call on 1300 799 482 or email us at hello@vervesuper.com.au.

Spouse contribution form

Use this form if your spouse wishes to make a spouse contribution to your Verve Super account.

Alternative contribution form

Use this form if a third party other than your spouse wishes to make a contribution to your Verve Super account.

See more

Withdrawal forms

Withdrawal form

Use this form if you qualify for a lump sum withdrawal from your Verve Super account.

Early release – financial hardship

If you’d like to apply for an early release of superannuation due to severe financial hardship, please contact us directly for more information.

Early release – permanent incapacity

Use this form to apply for the release of your superannuation because you are unable to work due to a medical condition. Please read this information carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

See more

Disclosure requirements

Fund Annual Report 2024

A report issued by the trustee of the Fund, Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited to provide an understanding of the management, financial condition and investment performance that is applicable to members in the Fund. Verve Super is a division of Future Super. For Verve Super’s Investment Strategy, please see page 15 of the report.

RSE Annual Report 2024

A report issued by the trustee of the Fund, Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited to provide an understanding of the management, financial condition and investment performance that is applicable to members in the Fund. Verve Super is a division of Future Super. For Verve Super’s Investment Strategy, please see page 15 of the report.

Significant Event Notice July 2023

See more

Important Verve Information

Fund name:  Verve Super (Future Super Fund)
Fund ABN: 45 960 194 277 – you may need to try without spaces 45960194277
USI: 45 960 194 277 020 – you may need to try without spaces: 45960194277020
SPIN: We don’t have a SPIN number. Use our USI instead.

Address: GPO Box 2753, Brisbane QLD 4001

Trustee Name: Equity Trustees Superannuation Limited
Trustee ABN: 50 055 641 757
Trustee AFSL: 229757
Trustee RSE Licence: L0001458

More about Verve Super