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Reflect, reset, reframe


This course is for anyone who wants to start feeling good about their money. It’s a guide to reflecting on what you’ve achieved, resetting your spending priorities and reframing your finances for the year ahead.

Part 1: Reflect

We all need a financial reset from time to time and that’s what this topic is all about. We’ll answer reflective questions to take our confidence to the next level and leave us brimming with ideas for our next life phase!

Part 2: Reset
Every day is a fresh start. A new beginning. A chance to take the next step towards living your best life. One of the best ways to kick off a fresh start is to get clear on what you’re working towards. We’ll set goals and create a plan to smash them!

Part 3: Reframe
It’s time to reframe your view of your money – where it goes, how much you really make, and whether you really are saving as much as you think you are. This all starts with a money chart and a budget. Because really, can you have a money reset without talking budgets?


Enter your email address to access our free Reflect, Reset & Reframe money course.

Material included

3 videos

3 worksheets


A nice quiet place

Pen & paper



Enter your email address to access our free Reflect, Reset & Reframe money course.

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