From rage to real change,

we are bringing the fight to unequal pay.

Resources for you

Our economy thrives on the unpaid labour of women+. The earnings gap leaves women retiring with less. It's unjust, plain and simple, and it compounds over a lifetime.

Christina Hobbs, Verve Super Founder

Enough is enough: Women deserve equal pay now.

So, what exactly is equal pay day?

Equal pay means employees are paid the same for performing the same work or work of equal value, a requirement in Australia since 1969.

Despite that, on Equal Pay Day, August 19, we confront a harsh truth: women must work 50 extra days a year to earn what men do. The 2023 Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) stats don't lie. Men earned an average of $1982.80 weekly, while women earned only $1744.80. That’s a difference of $238, adding up to $12,376 a year stolen from women’s pockets, or seven weeks of work shortchanged. Why? Because women’s work has been undervalued for far too long—hello, 21.7% gender pay gap! Even more shockingly, some companies have pay gaps of up to 40%.  

Want to learn more about why the pay gap exists? We got you!

Tired of hearing pay gap myths?

Download these punchy response cards to set the record straight wherever you go.

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