Your super is
Invest ethically for a better world
investments that don’t align with our members’ values
investments that have a positive impact for women, the broader community and the environment
to achieve the best financial returns for our members
At Verve we’re serious about investing ethically and living our values.
That’s why we’re transparent about how and where your super is invested. You can check out Verve Super’s investment holdings and decide for yourself.
Verve Super’s screening process seeks to direct retirement savings away from companies and assets that we’ve assessed as harmful to the environment and society, and allocate retirement savings to companies and activities which strive for a fairer, more equitable society.
The negative screening process seeks to avoid investment in companies or assets with a material involvement in the following activities*
The positive screening process is used to increase investment exposure to particular attributes. Verve seeks exposure to*
*The application of these screens varies depending on the asset class and the type of positively screened activity. Screens may not be applied across all asset classes or asset types. For more information about how and when these screens are applied, please contact or learn more about our approach to screening here.
The Vision Fund provides microfinance to loans to low-income households with a focus on supporting women. Small loans of just a couple of hundred dollars can be all that a woman and her family need to start or build a business and break the cycle of poverty.
Through The Synergies Fund, Verve Super is investing in transforming disability housing in Australia to support Australians on the NDIS to live independently at home or in specialist disability accommodation.
From rage to real change, we are bringing the fight to unequal pay - Learn more