Can I choose my super fund?

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Generally, your employer must make regular compulsory contributions to your superannuation fund, known as Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions. Most people can choose the super fund for these contributions; it’s called having a “Choice of Fund”.

If you haven’t exercised choice in the past, it’s possible that you might have had a new super account created for you each time you’ve joined a new employer, even if you already had an existing super account. 

To stop the creation of multiple super accounts, the Government has introduced a system whereby your existing super fund (usually the fund with your most recent active super account) is ‘stapled’ to you when you change jobs. This means that when you start a new job, your employer will pay SG contributions to the same fund you had at your last job, unless you take action to make a change. Your employer will obtain information about your existing super fund from the ATO. 

If you have never had a super account before you can choose one and provide your employer with the fund’s details in writing, this is called “exercising choice”. Otherwise, your employer will create an account for you with their default fund. 

To request your employer to start paying SG contributions into your Verve Super account, you can simply provide the Choice of Super Fund form to your employer. We will give you this form when you set up your account. If you later change employers, your account with Verve Super should be your stapled account, however if you want to ensure your new employer contributes to your Verve Super account, you can simply email the form to your employer, reprint the form available online, or call us and we will send you a copy.

It’s important you take an interest in your super and help it grow into a healthy retirement nest egg. Further information on choice and stapling is available on the ATO’s website

A small number of Australians who are under Enterprise Agreements are not eligible to choose their super fund. To find out if this is your situation, speak to your employer. Employers may agree to pay superannuation into your Verve Super account even if they don’t generally allow choice.

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