Jacqueline Wharton helps women navigate divorce and separation

Relationship breakdowns are pivotal moments for securing present and future wealth, yet navigating the system can be complex and it is often hard to know who to trust and where to start. Jacqueline Wharton is a trusted legally trained divorce expert who offers Verve members a 60 minute coaching session to help navigate the first steps of a successful divorce or separation.

Prepare for divorce or seperation

During your 1:1 with Divorce & Separation Expert Jacqueline, she can support you to:

๐Ÿ“‹ Better understand the family law system, including principles and processes

๐Ÿ“‹ Clarify your ideal separation outcomes and identify the legal considerations relating to your situation

๐Ÿ“‹ Prepare a divorce strategy and plan your next steps if you proceed with divorce or separation

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