Introducing Kim Mason: Producer, Maker, Tea Drinker and Verve member
I grew up in New Zealand but moved to Sydney and spent most of my career rushing around, producing, managing & staging live corporate events.
These days I live in Ngarigo Country in the Snowy Mountains of NSW, working remotely & giving my skill set to a company that values the environment and is serious about putting people and the planet first. I’m lucky enough to wake up daily and see the Snowy River flowing from our windows.
These days life isn’t really about balance, it’s more of a tilting, leaning into, picking the one thing from the menu to pour my focus into, it could be: a work deadline, spending time with family, feeding animals, attending to the property, making time to fill up my cup with photographing & embroidery or encouraging all to tread lightly on the planet.
I’ve been with Verve for over two years and I’ve increased my super contributions and learnt how to make money work with super! The financial education and support are unparalleled
What’s your money story? What was money like for you growing up?
Gosh, growing up money wasn’t spoken about, the focus was on ‘working hard’. Get a job, earn an income, and contribute to society. That work ethic stays with me today, pay your bills & put some aside. It was a simple formula. I learnt more as I travelled & worked and Superannuation became an option. There wasn’t a Verve to empower you and show you that any woman can invest, manage & have their own money and bank account.
How do you see investments creating a positive impact in the world or in your life?
Investing is something I’m still learning about and it’s so great that we can now ‘see’ it, there are options, and it’s achievable for anyone & everyone. Show our friends, sisters, work colleagues, and daughters that where they put their money matters and that they too can invest. We can align our values, take charge of our money & tread lightly on the planet.
What does ‘wealth’ mean to you?
Well, this has changed over the years, in my 30s wealth would have been all about acquiring ‘things’ & having money in the bank to travel. As with all seasons, they change. Today ‘wealth’ for me is to have your health and be able to move physically. It’s about ‘enoughness’ having the financial stability to provide a safe place to call home, the means to provide for your family, and to surround yourself with a handful of friends you can spend time with.
Do you have any women role models? If I could have dinner with any woman in the world it would be… and why?
Could I do dinner in my PJs? Because that’s what I’m wearing these days by dinner time, and it would be a ‘come as you are’ open invite, so it’s going to be one long dinner table. An entree of listening to a trio of women who are teaching us to be our perfectly imperfect authentic selves Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, & Glennon Doyle. Then that would flow into the Mains served up by two Janes who have and are spending their lives making the world a better place for future generations: Jane Fonda & Jane Goodall. Finishing with live vocals for dessert by Dolly, Pink, Adele, Kelly & Carole …Oh my goodness a ‘questions from the dinner table’ gathering that Priya Parker would want to facilitate. I think I need to organise and produce this as the inaugural ‘Dinner with Verve’.
What’s your personal philosophy?
To give. To plan with joy and expect change. To accept some days are uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, to follow your moral compass and know that perfectly imperfect is better than really good.
What are you reading?
There is always a pile of books on the side table, currently finishing ‘The Carbon Almanac’, just started ‘Regenesis’ by George Monbiot and bathtime reading is currently ‘A Fig at the Gate’ by Kate Llewellyn.
What are you listening to? Podcast/Album
If I screenshot my phone the podcasts you will see, ‘Wild with Sarah Wilson’, ‘Wardrobe Crisis with Clare Press’ and ‘Wellbeings with Dominic Bowden.’
What are you saving/investing for?
For the rainy day, the fire, the unexpected & the family holiday of course.
What are you most proud of?
Our wee family. We have been through some tough times. We are together. Moving to regional Australia, living off-grid, raising our daughter, showing her that purchasing for the planet, providing for her education, and caring for the country, is our contribution to her future.
What are you afraid of?
People tearing each other down for the benefit of themselves.
What’s your coffee order?
A cup of chai tea!