6 money books written by women
There are lots of great ways to learn about money. Events, courses, books — choose your poison. Whatever it takes to leap you forward on your money journey is a welcome addition.
There are lots of great ways to learn about money. Events, courses, books — choose your poison. Whatever it takes to leap you forward on your money journey is a welcome addition. But it can be difficult to know where to start, or who to trust, when it comes to good money tips and advice. There is nothing worse than getting halfway through a money book and realising it’s based on the same old sexist tropes that led to the mess we’re in today. And while not every page can be perfect, there are some excellent books out there waiting to completely change your approach towards your money – that won’t make you feel like you’re being ignored or mansplained to.
When we’re looking for a good money book we have a couple of rules. Firstly, it needs to offer a fresh perspective on money (and life), rather than just offering new information or practical tips. Secondly, we’re looking for words written by women or non-binary folks (see above). Not to mention, there are a lot of personal finance books written by men and we are keen on supporting a diverse range of authors on this topic. And thirdly, we avoid anything over 350 pages. Anything longer than that and we’ve found that enthusiasm can wane. Learning about money needs to ignite curiosity and anything more than 350ish pages has the potential of dimming that spark.
To narrow your search, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of perspective-shifting money books, written by women.
Money, a love story – Kate Northrup
This book is refreshingly candid and will completely shift your money mindset. Northrup will challenge your inner money ‘martyr’ and have you questioning why you think sacrificing your own financial needs is going to help others or make you a better person. Finance shouldn’t be devoid of a conversation about love and this book will have you unpicking your relationship with money so you can start to redefine it. Within the pages of ‘Money, a love story’, you’ll find a delicious mix of theory and practical tips, giving you several actionable (and manageable!) steps to take on a new experience with money.
Your Money, Your Life – Vicki Robin
We tend to think that if something is good enough for Oprah, it’s good enough for us. This book is one of those things! Oprah’s glowing review isn’t the only reason to add to cart. ‘Your Money, Your Life’ is over twenty years old and it’s money lessons have stood the test of time. This is the book that inspired the F.I.R.E movement and championed a form of Financial Independence that has led to a generation of free-money-thinkers, like Mr Money Moustache. It is a foundational text on personal finance – an excellent financial roadmap to take you from ‘no idea’ to ‘financial freedom’.
What to do with your money when crisis hits – Michelle Singletary
You’re in safe hands with this compassionate, yet no-nonsense book on how to protect and handle money during a time of hardship. It really is no wonder that author Michelle Singletary has so many accolades when it comes to writing about finance. Like a calming first-aid-kit for your finances, ‘What to do with your money when crisis hits’ takes a guiding approach to getting back on your feet.
You are a badass at making money – Jen Sincero
If you’re searching for life-changing concepts with a side of belly laughs, this book is for you. Author Jen Sincero went from living in a converted garage to travelling the world in style, all by taking her own expert advice. ‘You are a badass at making money’ urges you to look at what’s holding you back from making money. It’s realistic, bite-sized tips then help to whip your money habits into shape. If you want practical money advice to help you change your life for the better, this book is well worth a read.
The Soul of Money – Lynne Twist
This liberating read examines our attitudes towards earning, spending and giving away money. A thought-provoking read, ‘The Soul of Money’ approaches tricky topics with a voice that is equal parts compassionate, generous and oh-so-wise. Lynne’s approach to realigning what it is you are truly seeking and defining what is ‘enough’ to fill your cup.
Clever Girl Finance: Ditch debt, save money and build real wealth – Bola Sokunbi
This clever read defines the difference between making money and building wealth. It simplifies investing for beginners, shines a light on common money mistakes, and sprinkles in shared experiences from experts. Gift this book to another wonderful woman in your life and consider it encouragement to chase their own financial success.
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