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‘The time is now – our rights, our future’ – International Day of the Girl with One Girl

October 6, 2022 by Verve

Around the world, there are 132 million girls who face a number of barriers when accessing their right to an education. These barriers include harmful social norms, gender-based violence, early childhood marriage, financial poverty and more.

This Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, on International Day of the Girl (IDG), the world is taking a stand to promote girl’s empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights, while also highlighting the challenges that girls face around the globe.

As the 10th anniversary of International Day of the Girl approaches, there has been increased attention from governments, international changemakers and the general public on issues that impact girls around the world. But despite these efforts, girls still face a myriad of obstacles, only further hindered by the impacts of the climate crisis, COVID-19 and international conflict. These obstacles prevent girls from harnessing their power through their education, their physical and mental well-being, and protection from gender-based violence.

‘The time is now – our rights, our future’ is this year’s theme for International Day of the Girl

This October 11th presents an opportunity for girls to have their voices heard on the global stage, in order to access opportunity and bring about sustainable change for themselves, their families and their communities.

Girls show resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience in the face of adversity. And they continue to show up and prove they can be the change makers which the world so desperately needs. Girls are ready and waiting for a decade of acceleration, and the time is now for the rest of the world to stand up and act to create change for girls and their future.

This International Day of the Girl we’re highlighting One Girl

One Girl is a non-profit organisation that harnesses the power of education to drive change for girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda. Millions of girls around the world are denied access to their education, simply because they are a girl. This figure has only increased since the pandemic, impacts of the climate crisis and humanitarian conflict. One Girl is working to change that.

One Girl is breaking down the barriers girls’ face in accessing their education through our girl-led programs in the places we work

Educating girls is so important, because when a girl is educated, everything changes. Her health, status, income and entire future changes for the better, and she will be more likely to educate her own family.  She will have more opportunity, choice and agency; and she will have the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions about herself, her future and her family. The ripple effect is felt in her community, and furthermore around the world, as educating girls is recognised as one of the most effective ways to combat climate change.

Girls education goes beyond getting girls into school, our programs take a holistic approach to ensuring girls feel safe at school, have ample opportunity to complete all levels of their education, girls gain the knowledge and skills they need to succeed, they learn socio-economic and life skills to help adapt to a changing world, and that they can advocate and make decisions for their own lives and communities.

On Tuesday October 11(IDG), One Girl is amplifying the voices of girls everywhere. Girls have consistently shown that given the education, skills and opportunities, they can be the changemakers driving progress in their communities. Girls are ready to be accelerated forward. It is time for us all to invest in a future that believes in their agency, leadership and potential.

This International Day of the Girl, you can make a difference for girls in Sierra Leone

Head to onegirl.org.au/IDG2022 and you can make an impact for girls to harness their power, and exercise their human right to an education.

#DayoftheGirl #IDG2022 #GirlsEducation #OneGirl

Important links:

Website – www.onegirl.org.au/IDG2022

Instagram – @onegirlorg

LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/company/one-girl

Facebook – www.facebook.com/OneGirlOrg/

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