Hiring: Full-Time Woman

by Verve

Location: Everywhere women work

Salary: $0

Job Type: 50-day contract (7 weeks)

Start date: August 19, 2024

About the job

Ready to work just as hard as men, but get paid less? Love thriving under pressure and being underappreciated? Welcome to the employer you probably already have!

Equal Pay Day on August 19 highlights a harsh truth: women must work 50 extra days a year to earn what men do.

The 2023 Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) stats don’t lie. Men earned $1982.80 weekly while women earned $1744.80—a $238 difference! That’s $12,376 a year stolen from women’s pockets or seven weeks of work shortchanged.

Why? Because women’s work has always been undervalued—hello, 21.7% gender pay gap! Check out the WGEA stats. Some companies have pay gaps of up to 40%!

Enough is enough. Women’s worth isn’t up for debate.

Disclaimer: This job ad is a spoof. The stats are real, the job is not. If you’ve ever felt undervalued or underpaid, this role is for you.


  • The only qualification you need to earn less than a man is to be a woman.
  • Additional responsibilities such as caretaking and housekeeping must be done outside of work hours—flexibility is not an option.


  • Finish at 5pm, even though your pay should allow you to stop at 3:14pm.
  • The satisfaction of knowing you’re doing more for less. Keep up the good work!
  • Opportunities to climb the ladder, just don’t fall pregnant.
  • Negotiation and resilience training to build your confidence to ask for more and handle the inevitable letdown.
  • While your work may go unnoticed, you’ll receive the occasional “thanks” to keep you going.
  • Constant validation that your work is valued less than that of your male colleagues.
  • Work as hard as your male colleagues while tolerating the 21.7% gender pay gap.
  • Manage your time, knowing you’ll only be paid for 78% of the workday.
  • Finding silver linings in thankless tasks and unpaid overtime.
  • Take on admin and event planning responsibilities, including organising International Women’s Day celebrations.
  • Doing everything while being seen as doing nothing.
  • Bonus: If you’re not a straight, white, able-bodied, cisgender woman, enjoy even more challenges and fewer rewards.

Join Us:

Apply today and step into a world where men pocket an extra $12,376 a year, while you work an extra seven weeks just to catch up.

Pissed off after reading this? We felt the same writing it.

We’re turning that anger into action and won’t stop until women get the pay they deserve: vervesuper.com.au/equal-pay-day/

Join the rage and fight for equal pay with Verve Super.

All stats sourced from WGEA

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